Press Release

Native Frame™ Live Streaming Platform Released

Gear up for a new live streaming solution based around highly competitive pricing.
April 18, 2024

Native FrameTM is a live streaming platform purpose built in the private cloud environment and designed to deliver better performance and lower cost than public cloud alternatives.   

With real time latency with WebRTC, multi-bitrate transcoding and ABR delivery, configurable fallback protocols, geo load-balancing, flexible authentication controls, live video archiving, and many other features, Native Frame™ Private Cloud offers a complete live streaming solution without the high cost inherent in a SaaS platform.

Native FrameTM approach to pricing is simple and gets cheaper with scale and offers three pre-configured hardware, software and network bandwidth packages designed to meet most livestreaming needs while helping to control costs. Highly competitive monthly pricing is based on the number of concurrent streams as opposed to the industry’s difficult to forecast model of metered per minute usage. Migrating from one tier to another is seamless. Custom provisions for spikes in traffic can be added to any tier.  

Head on over to to get started.

"We are proud to release Native Frame, the next generation live streaming solution addressing today’s real world cost and adaptability concerns with superior performance."

Dana Green

About Native Frame™

Native FrameTM is a state-of-the-art provider of livestreaming software and infrastructure specializing in video ingest, transcoding, user generated content, real-time communication, and live streaming at scale. We provide developers with robust and flexible APIs to integrate real-time and interactive streaming into their applications.

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