Grow Your Audience, Predict Your Costs

Our grow-with-you platform allows you to seamlessly migrate from small streams to big savings

For developers exploring live streaming capabilities and working on prototypes or MVPs
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15,000 total minutes
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Real time latency with WebRTC
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Superior mobile broadcasting and viewing support
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Multi-bitrate transcoding and ABR delivery
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Native Frame encoder and player SDKs
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Configurable fallback protocols
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Geo load-balanced Ingest
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Flexible authentication controls
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Real-time streaming monitoring
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User analytics
Get Started for Free
No credit card required
Pay as you go
For teams growing and scaling their streaming business
Everything in Starter plus:
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Unlimited streaming and viewing
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No upfront costs or commitment
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Pay only for the minutes you use
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Live video archiving
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Seamless migration to Private Cloud
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Connect a third-party HLS CDN
Get Started for Free
No credit card required
Private Cloud
For high-growth and enterprise-level operations who are streaming at scale
Starting at:
Everything in Pay as you go plus:
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Dedicated hosting environment
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Cost-efficient resource allocation
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Real-time scaling
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Tailored SLAs based on availability and support needs
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Slack channel support
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Transcode configuration
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Custom feature integration and use cases

Custom Plan

Need a different configuration, additional feature, or a solution tailored to your use case? Our video experts are here to help.

Contact Us
Price Calculator

Estimate your monthly cost

Enter your estimated monthly usage, and we’ll provide a plan that best suits your needs.
Pay as you go
Private Cloud
Help Me Decide
Enter the estimated monthly streaming minutes and the average number of viewers per stream.
Estimated Cost
We’ll contact you with a recommended plan
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Pricing plans for all use cases

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For individuals


Show social proof notifications to increase leads and sales.

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For startups


Show social proof notifications to increase leads and sales.

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For big companies


Show social proof notifications to increase leads and sales.

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What’s included
  • All analytics features
  • Up to 500,000 tracked visits
  • Premium support
  • Up to 10 team members
What’s included
  • All analytics features
  • Up to 1,000,000 tracked visits
  • Dedicated support
  • Up to 50 team members

Frequently asked questions

What can I stream for 15,000 minutes?

The 15,000 total minutes provided in the Starter plan can be used for both streaming and viewing. Here's a breakdown of what you could typically do with this allocation:

  1. Viewing Scenarios
    1. A single viewer watching 4 hours of content daily for about 62 days
    2. 10 viewers each watching a 30-minute daily stream for about 1 month
  2. Combined scenarios:
    1. Weekly 1-hour stream with an average of 10 viewers for about 3 months
    2. Daily 15-minute stream with 5 viewers for about 1.5 months

It's important to note that:

  1. These minutes are shared between streaming and viewing. Each viewer consumes minutes separately.
  2. This plan is suitable for small-scale projects, prototypes, or MVPs (Minimum Viable Products).
  3. The allocation is best for developers exploring live streaming capabilities or for small audiences.
  4. For growing businesses or those expecting larger audiences, the Pay as you go plan would be more suitable.
  5. Once you exceed 15,000 minutes, you'd likely need to upgrade to a paid plan to continue streaming.
  6. The Starter plan is ideal for testing and development purposes rather than for continuous, high-volume streaming.

Remember, the actual usage will depend on your specific streaming patterns and audience size. If you think you’ll need 15,000 minutes, consider the Pay as you go plan for more flexibility. Your first 15,000 minutes are still free.

What is the difference between a streaming minute and a viewing minute?

Native Frame pay as you go pricing is made up of streaming and viewing. When you stream, we convert your raw video data into a format suitable for efficient transmission and playback across various devices and internet connections. This process is also known as encoding, and we charge the same rate for each streaming minute, no matter how many viewers your stream gets.

On the other hand, viewing requires delivery, which includes serving the appropriate quality version of the stream based on each viewer's network conditions and device capabilities, managing compatibility with devices, and bringing the video geographically closer to your viewers. Each viewer consumes bandwidth and resources as they watch your stream, so a viewing minute will take into account the number of viewers your stream has.

What is the difference between Pay as you go and Private Cloud?

There are several differences between Pay as you go and Private Cloud. With Private Cloud, you have a dedicated environment, so you have more control and the ability to customize features and configurations based on your specific use cases. Because we allocate a set amount of resources to your environment, there is a minimum monthly commitment of $2610, so it is best for high volume streaming that can take advantage of cost efficiencies.

The Pay as you go plan is the fastest way to get started with livestreaming because all of our services are made available on a shared environment that can quickly scale up or down, depending on demand. There is no minimum spend, and you are charged only for what you use.Pay as you go offers flexibility and scalability for growing businesses, while Private Cloud provides a more customized, controlled, and robust solution for large-scale streaming operations with specific needs.

I am not ready for Private Cloud, but I might be one day. What is the process to migrate from Pay as you go to Private Cloud?

We designed a seamless migration to be as smooth and non-disruptive as possible. If you’re ready to transition from Pay as you go to Private Cloud, the first step is upgrade from your Native Frame dashboard. At that point, a Native Frame onboarding specialist will work with you through the following:


  • Evaluate your current usage and future needsAnalyze your streaming patterns, viewer counts, and specific requirements
  • Discuss your needs and get a tailored proposal for your Private Cloud setup


  • Work with the platform's technical team to design your Private Cloud infrastructure
  • Define your custom requirements, such as dedicated resources, specific integrations, or tailored SLAs


  • Native Frame sets up your dedicated hosting environment
  • Configure custom features and integrations as needed

Data Migration:

  • Transfer existing content, settings, and configurations to the new environment


  • Validate the new setup in a controlled environment
  • Ensure all features and integrations work as expected


  • Schedule a time for the final switch from Pay as you go to Private Cloud
  • This is typically done during a low-traffic period to minimize disruption


  • Confirm all streams are working correctly in the new environment
  • Check that all migrated data and settings are intact

Support Transition:

  • Get onboarded to the enhanced support system, including Slack channel access
  • Receive any necessary training on new features or management interfaces


  • Fine-tune your setup based on initial performance
  • Work with the support team to optimize your streaming operations